Membuat pilihan bekerja sendiri dengan Ijazah kita akan ada rasa rendah diri or low self esteem terutamanya bila bersama dengan rakan seuniversiti. Cita-cita dulu tinggi melangit dengan Degree Engineering yang dipikul.
2017 - selesai sudah Master in Science.
2016 - I belive being at home is much suitable for me. And then Allah gives us another child.
Seeing my kids growing up and not able to be independently like i was before when im at their age is very concerning. Not able to walk alone and cross the road is worrying.
Having the fourth child, and me going away?
My husband always need me around. Work is good. Not being able to be with them is not good at all.
Sebab itu, i do my best in business. I am no bisnes student. I am just normal person with zero knowledge of sales and marketing.
Staying with universiti groups with all the Doctor - IR level, really make me yeah wanna lay low a bit.. hehe . A bit is good.
But really, being myself is always never lay low. I always speak out my vision or opinions. Especially in groups that i am involved with.
No need to be above the rest. Just be yourself.
Jadi surirumah with Degree and Master in science and engineering is far better. At least, you can teach your children with level of higher difficulties. I guess (ayat sedapkan hati sebenarnya)... Masih ada orang yang pandang serong bila saya pilih to be WORKING AT HOME MOM.
Syukur my husband always supportive. I know deep down, he doesnt want me to go anywhere farther than him. To always have me 24 hours with him is a bless. To be able to help him with our financial is a bless.
Semoga Allah terus rahmati keluarga kami dan berikan saya kejayaan dalam bidang rezeki yang saya ceburi.
Moral of the story guys: Jangan pandang rendah rezeki yang kita miliki. Tidak kira apa jua status kita hari ini. Lakukan kerana insan tersayang, lakukan dengan mahukan keberkatan Ilahi. Insha Allah, bukan sahaja bahagia dan tenang di dunia tetapi bawa ke akhirat.
Salam kejayaan buat semua wanita,
Emme Marina
Working at Home Mom with 4 Daughter.
2 Ulasan
Lepas saya kawin n preggy, dan decide jadi housewife, never once saya rasa menyesal .. I am happy with my decision , n yes it is true having a degree walaupun jadi surirumah, we can teach our kids with different levels of difficulties , hehe.
BalasPadamtruly sis. we make our own happiness